Love, Resistance and Other Survival Strategies

Love, Resistance and Other Survival Strategies was an experiment in radical community pedagogy in response to the Black Summer of 2019. Blending a reading group with the practice of philosophising, the project introduces participants to a broad range of radical alternatives to capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy through podcasts, poetry and essays. These ideas used as a springboard for facilitated discussion, with participants encouraged to reflect on their own experience, and how they might participate in imagining and creating a more just and interconnected world.

Love, Resistance and Other Survival Strategies has been presented as two curriculums. The first was a summer school on climate justice presented at Watch This Space, Mparntwe/Alice Springs in January 2020. The second was an online group in response to COVID19, held May-October 2020 and was funded by the Regional Arts Fund COVID response.

The full curriculum of the January Summer School is available here 

More Projects

In late 2015 and early 2016 I worked with 8CCC Community Radio as creative producer on the second series of Many Voices One Place.

Eye of the Storm brought together 40 of the nations most interesting writers and thinkers including Benjamin Law, Anna Krien and Ali Cobby Eckermann.

We learn stories from our parents, our siblings, our friends. Stories about how to be a partner, a parent, a man or a woman.