Love Letters to Inanimate Objects

In 2012 I had the honour of being invited to collaborate with textile artist Nicky Shonkala as part of her common threads project exploring the intersections between art and craft. We collaborated around the theme of love letters to inanimate objects; I gave her a love letter I’d written for my red flanellete sheets (along with the sheets), which she used to create a textile piece, which I in turn responded to. We repeated this process four times, with the resulting works being exhibited at Watch the Space in Alice Springs in September 2012.

Collaborators: Nicky Shonkala


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In 2018 I worked with Lock the Gate as a producer on  ‘Adapting the Arts’, a project building the capacity of artists in mining affected communities through developmental commissions and workshops.

What becomes of the by products of our past; painful memories, niggling regrets and other detritus from times long past?

It’s getting hotter and harder. Last Summer felt like fire and death. Some talking about leaving. Some can’t imagine ever going away.