
Tender Places builds conversation with, in and through place. I create research artefacts during field work to document, translate and disseminate the research with, to and through place.

Postcards are the project’s first physical research arteacts. Created from photographs and field notes, they are mailed to a network of creative peers in Australia and beyond.

The postcard is presented as a queering material medium; an appropriated artefact of outsider privilege, a public/private artwork for an audience of one, a material that crosses political and geographical borders to link places and people through space and time.

Ilparpa Claypans, Arrernte Land

These postcards were created on a series of field visits in the Alhwerrpe Mpepe/Autumn of 2019. On each visit to the claypans I would walk with a different reading, many of them works by Deborah Bird Rose, translating the ideas with/in place through my body. These postcards were written at the conclusion of each walk and are reflection of the physical and intellectual journey.



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We learn stories from our parents, our siblings, our friends. Stories about how to be a partner, a parent, a man or a woman.

In late 2015 and early 2016 I worked with 8CCC Community Radio as creative producer on the second series of Many Voices One Place.

A two day field school engaging in swampy ways of knowing Gurmabai/ Rapid Creek and it’s catchment through creative and place based research.